Jan 26, 2008

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) has promised much for a few years. But now it is fast becoming a viable option for many UK businesses and home workers. VoIP technology allows telephone calls to be made over the internet at a fraction of the cost compared with traditional telephony. If you operate a multiple site company, VoIP could bring you exceptional benefits.

How does it work?

The technology works by converting the (human) voice to data packets, transmitting it over the internet, indeed any data connection running IP and reconverting the packets into human voice once it has reached the destination.Normal voice is in an analogue format. This cannot be carried over data connections, so it is converted into digital sound packets so that it can be carried over the internet. This process is similar to internet technology where a modem is used to convert analogue data into digital and vice versa.


You can speak to more than one person at a time (teleconference). There is also room for interactive video conferencing Excellent voice quality. In built firewall for security. This protects your business from telephone fraud. Cost effective as calls can be compressed. Saves money on cabling.

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